
Application of Scaffolding in Composing Music in The Elementary School

Hyuk Soo Han
page. 223~247 / 2006 Vol.30 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study was to explore a teaching strategy of scaffolding in composing music in the elementary school, based on a theoretical background on scaffolding, then find out a plan to apply in the school. To achieve this goal, this presented an instructional model of music composing activity, lesson plan for composing music using a scaffolding by adapting the aspect of the constructivism, Elliott's instructional process for music learning, and cognitive apprenticeship.A composing music with a scaffolding presented the following meaning to music education.First, it guides the direction of music learning. Second, it is about making an inter relationship between teacher and students. Third, it emphasizes on an interaction in music learning. Fourth, it realizes the enhancement of creativity and self-leading learning. Fifth, it regards teacher's and students' attitude towards a music learning. Sixth, it is about a positive view on students ' musical development.

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